Andrew, today wrote to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government to request that Northacre Renewable Energy Ltd’s (NREL) proposed incinerator in Westbury be called in by the Secretary of State.
Planning permission for NREL’s energy from waste facility is due to be ruled on by Wiltshire Council on June 22nd. Committee documents published in advance of the meeting state: ‘the recommendation is, subject to the Secretary of State determining that he does not want to call in the application for his determination, to grant planning permission subject to conditions.'
As an infrastructure proposal of national significance, the Secretary of State can exercise his prerogative to decide whether permission is granted.
Andrew said:
“In my view another carbon belching incinerator would be contrary to the Government’s intentions on climate change, the environment and waste – particularly important in this COP26 year.
“High quality employer Arla doesn’t want an incinerator next door. I don’t want a trademark Westbury company deciding to quit because of a threat to the integrity of its dairy products from pollutants .”