TechTrowbridge Research from National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) shows that the Trowbridge travel to work area is home to a creative cluster of...
HGVs Heavy traffic through villages laid down in the age of the horse and cart is a thorny issue throughout my patch. For example, a trio of Wiltshire villages -...
Financial inclusion Since January 2015, 6,000 bank and building society branches have closed in the UK or are due to close by January 2025, which is equivalent to 61% of all...
Incinerators Westbury has a long and noble tradition of campaigning for air quality. Remember the now leveled cement work chimney with its burning tyres? For years now I...
Andrew invites Covid Heroes nominations Andrew is inviting constituents to nominate volunteers, key workers, businesses, schools or other local organisations for recognition and thanks for their...
Brexit - Chequers Plan I appreciate, understand and respect strongly held views, reasonably expressed, on both sides of the Brexit debate. However, we had a binary choice at the...
Northern Ireland As Chair of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, it is a key aim of mine to give Northern Ireland the due care and attention it deserves, particularly in the...
Getting Behind Brexit Having supported the campaign for the UK to leave the European Union, I believe the British people made the right call on 23rd June. Indeed none of us wish to...
Strengthening our NHS As a licensed medical practitioner, I have worked hard to support our wonderful NHS both inside and beyond Parliament, and I continue to do all that I can to...
Remembering the Great War Since 2011, I have had the honour of serving as the Prime Minister's Special Representative for the Centenary of the Great War. The First World War was indeed...
Boosting trade In 2016, I was appointed by the Prime Minister to the role of UK Trade Envoy to Morocco and Tunisia. As Deputy Chairman, and former Chair, of the All-Party...
Protecting our national security Having served in the armed forces myself, I understand the need for a strong defence. Today's geopolitical climate is one of instability and we cannot take any...