Tweet I’m asking for your views. Tell me what your priorities are for Trowbridge and we can make things happen together. Trowbridge Survey Current Trowbridge Issues Your details Leave this field blank 1. How often do you use Trowbridge town centre? 2. How bothered are you by the vacant units in the town centre? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please select a value from 0 (not bothered) to 10 (very bothered) 3. To spend more time in Trowbridge town centre, what changes would you like to see? More restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs Funding to upgrade the frontage of shops and businesses Repurposing of disused buildings for more business or residential space Funding for facilities such as benches, flower beds, bins 3.1 Please share any other suggestions for Trowbridge town centre 4. What leisure facilities would you like to see locally? 5. Do you have any other ideas you would like to share to help improve Trowbridge and the town centre? 6. Are there any changes to the town that you have noticed which you are particularly pleased or unhappy with? 7. What are your views about house building in Trowbridge? 8. Please tell me about your experience of healthcare locally. 9. Do you support my #TechTrowbridge campaign to grow tech jobs locally? Yes No 10. Please tick the box if you would you like to receive my email newsletter.